Flash! Ah-ah!

Three quick flash-related things:

Flash thing the first: My flash story “The Perfect Coordinates to Raise a Child” is now up at Daily Science Fiction. You know, for you heathens who missed it in your inbox two weeks ago because you don’t subscribe.

Flash thing the second: I’m on deck at the Star-Dusted Sirens blog this week babbling about Flashing vs. Showing Us Your Shorts. Your short stories, that is.

Flash thing the third:

You’re welcome. #SFWApro

Flashing, Star-Dusted Sirens, and the Return of the Novel Revisions

Wow, over a month since my last post. I’ve been more swamped with real life than I thought! While I could definitely use a ton more spare hours in my day, shiny writing-related things have still been afoot amid the craziness:

Shiny #1: Flashing! My story “The Swan Maiden” is now out in the current issue of Flash Fiction Online—the first issue put out under the leadership of FFO’s shiny new publisher, Anna Yeatts.

Shiny #2: More flashing! If you’re a Daily Science Fiction subscriber, my flash story “The Perfect Coordinates to Raise a Child” will be showing up in your inbox tomorrow (October 8). And if you’re not a Daily Science Fiction subscriber, the story will be available on their website a week later. Or you could, you know, subscribe.  Because it’s free. And awesome.

Shiny #3: I haz writing group, let me show you it. A few months ago, some other fine folks and I started The Star-Dusted Sirens, and now we have a blog where we shall babble about shiny writing-related things! We’re also on Twitter @StarDustSirens. Please check us out if you have a chance, if only to see the pretty logo that Katana Leigh created for us. Or you can take part in fellow Siren Naima Johnson’s contest to rewrite the first paragraph of Twilight.

Shiny #4: And last but not least, I’ve finally gotten back to revisions on My Big Fat Epic Fantasy Novel! They’re very slow going thanks to that pesky school thing I’ve got going on, but I’ll take whatever forward progress I can manage at this point.

Upcoming Publication: “God’s Gift to Women”

My story “God’s Gift to Women” will be coming out with Daily Science Fiction on March 7. Want to receive the story in your inbox that morning? Then get yourself subscribed to DSF. It’s free, and you’ll receive lots of other fun fiction on a daily basis to boot. Sure, you could wait a week until they post it on their website, but why delay your readerly gratification? (or your readerly condemnation as the case may be)

Two Quick & Shiny Things

First, my story “Dumping the Dead” was selected for inclusion in The Best of Every Day Fiction Three.

And second, a review of “Mortis Persona” at Tangent Online says, among other things, “Barnett’s lush prose does a fantastic job of building this world.”  I don’t think I’ve ever had my prose described as lush before, but it’s a description I’ll happily accept.