Guest blogs and awesome and coldness, oh my!

My spring semester has begun, so I’ll be spending a lot of time in the lack-of-blogging abyss once again, but for this brief moment, I emerge with three things, two of which are shiny, the third not so much:

1) I’m thrilled to announce that my short story “Notes on a Page” will be appearing in Intergalactic Medicine Show! Some squeeing may have ensued.

2) Today I’m babbling over at Penumbra‘s blog about turning an idea into a story–or, as I call it, bunny wrangling.

And finally…

3) It’s way too fricken cold out!

Blog post at Penumbra and other miscellany

Sorry to resurface with nothing but pimpage, but it’s about all I have time for until the Semester Workload from Hell is over. That said, onto the shameless self-promotion:

* Yesterday I was lying; today I’m babbling about suspension of disbelief and what the phrase actually means over at Penumbra eMag’s blog.

* I’ve added my story “The Wounded House” (originally published in issue 20 of Black Static) to my stories available for purchase at AnthologyBuilder.

* And I’m dreadfully behind in giving a shout out for this, but Not Just Rockets and Robots: Daily Science Fiction Year One, which includes my stories from Daily Science Fiction‘s first year of publishing (“God’s Gift to Women” and “A Song Never Tasted”), is available for purchase.