The Writerly Update: Butt + Chair = Productivity Edition

In theory, I should have had more writing time last week.  In actuality, I didn’t make a lick of progress on the short story I had started the week before.  But today?  Oh, today was surprisingly lovely for a Monday.  For what felt like the first time in ages, I sat down and just cranked out first draftage for three solid uninterrupted hours.  About 1,400 words in all, which is pretty damn good for slow-going me.  It’s all crappy first draftage, yes, but I think (hope) it’s going to clean up nicely.  When the story’s done, that is.  I usually get a good sense early on about how long a story is going to be, and I think this one’s going to push the 6K mark, at least.

In other and unrelated news: shiny new Apple trackpad!  I’m quite loving this thing.  It doesn’t make my hand all crampy and achy like a mouse would do after a day at the computer.