Trespass: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction

What’s this? A post from me two days in a row? Next it will be dogs and cats living together…mass hysteria!

Ok, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, onto the shameless plugging that brought me here. I’m pleased to be appearing with several lovely fellow writerly types in Trespass, a speculative fiction anthology now available in Kindle format. My story “The Wounded House” (originally published in issue 20 of Black Static) is included along with stories by Daniel AusemaNyki BlatchleyLindsey DuncanLydia KurniaJonathan S. PembrokeLeslianne Wilder, and Erika Wilson. Only $0.99 US, £0.77 UK!

Full brain is full!

I’m currently trying to readjust to reality after a couple weeks away—first for a week of writerly workshoppiness at TNEO, and then for a week of vacationy goodness down the shore. My brain’s a little scattered, so bear with me as I share the writerly randomness that has occurred during my absence:

* First, story news! My flash piece “The Little Things,” which was published in Every Day Fiction last month, will be available as a podcast (read by Izzy David) on August 13.

* While at TNEO, I finished a shiny new short story called “Memories of Mirrored Worlds” and sent it off into the world. Fly, little story! Fly!

* Speaking of TNEO, it was once again fun and full of awesome people. Lots of great feedback and brainstorming and bouncing around of ideas. Not to mention a highly hysterical evening of people trying to read bad sex scenes without laughing.

* Among my revelations at TNEO this year: I need to stop procrastinating and just revise My Big Fat Epic Fantasy Novel already. I’ve spent the last couple years stopping and starting and hemming and hawing and it’s all rather silly at this point. Brainstorming is all well and good, but there comes a point when the only way to figure out what works is to just finish the damn thing.

* BUT! Before I go back to the novel, I will revise a few short stories that are in need of attention. Revisions on one of those began this morning and will continue after I finish with this post. Which means now.

Today’s Entry: One Part Plug, One Part Review

1) The non-shameless plug: Fantasy Magazine has a poll for the Best Fantasy Magazine Story of 2010. The shameless plug: my story “Mortis Persona” is among the stories you can vote for if you enjoyed it and feel so moved. 

2) In a review of issue 20 of Black Static at Suite101, my story “The Wounded House” gets an “outstanding.” I’ll quite happily take that!